Personal Finance Services

Financial Products - Canada

Before filing for bankruptcy in Canada, you should know that there are many debt consolidation companies in this country that want to help you avoid the problems that you could face. They'll teach you about the alternatives you have, and how to take advantage of available financial products and programs.

Need More? Check: USA Financial Products


Loan Offers

Before you choose a lender and a type of loan, make sure you are well educated in the type of loans you are looking for and what types of rates and offers are out there. It is easy to choose the first loan offer you come across, but it may not be the best choice. For selected offers click here.

Credit Reporting

Free Credit Score and Report

Credit reports are basically a report that contains all of your credit history. It contains any loans you have taken out, the credit cards you have in your name, your current balances on any credit you have, and how regularly you make payments. Plus, it will state whether or not any actions have been taken against you. For selected offers click here.

Banking: Savings Accounts

Savings Accounts

There are often fees if individuals wish to withdrawal money from their savings accounts. These accounts are designed to help individuals save and gain money through interest. Rather than be used for money purposes, like a checking account or credit card account, money can only be used through withdrawal of the account. For selected offers click here.

Banking: Chequing Accounts

Chequing Accounts

A chequing account is designed to give customers access to their money. Instead of carrying paper money, in the form of bills, customers can use cheques or a card to pay for their transactions, thus accessing the funds in their transactional account. These accounts are often free to use, but do have fees in case of overdraft. For selected offers click here.

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